Friends: How to build and keep special, long-lasting friendships

Friends: How to build and keep special, long-lasting friendships
Women sometimes overlook and neglect their closest
friends because their lives seem so busy. Sometimes, it's not until a time of crisis hits (illness, death or divorce) that women truly realize the comfort and power of close friendships. Your nearest friends can help through the worst of times, but it's important to remember these special ladies and men during the great moments as well.
Take a look at our best friendship-related articles on You'll learn how to help a friend during a trying time, how to reconnect with a former friend and how friendship can boost your overall health.
Photo gallery: 9 ways friends can help boost your health
It’s true! Amazing new research shows that friends boost your health.
Friends come with many health benefits, making you happier and helping to improve your overall health. You’ve always known it to be true, but medical studies more than back up these claims. Here are nine incredible health benefits that come from having best buds.
Friends in need
A best friend is a comfort, a rock, a lifeline. So who's going to lend a hand when a friendship sails into rough waters?
The English poet Lord Byron defined friendship as "love without his wings." But then, he was a guy. To my mind, friends may not fly as passionately close to the sun as lovers, but real friendship does have wings – cooler ones, like a fresh linen towel on your forehead against the dragons of the day. We often talk about the sanctity of marriage, but there's a sanctity in friendship, too. And, like lovers or spouses, old friends can have quarrels that tear them apart.
Caught in the middle of divorcing friends
How to handle allegiance issues during breakups.
My friends are going through a nasty divorce, and the husband has asked me to write a letter stating my observations about his parenting skills. I think he's a great dad, but I don't want to get involved for fear I will lose the wife's friendship. What do I do?
Who would you like to reconnect with?
Chances are, at some point in your life, you've made the mistake of losing touch with someone special. Who would you reconnect with?
Many of us have made the mistake of losing touch with someone who once meant a lot to us. Here, our readers share their poignant stories of friendships and relationships they'd like to rekindle. It's never too late to reconnect with a friend you miss, or to drop a note to someone who has made a difference in your life. Add a comment to let us know who you'd most like to reconnect with.
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Take a look at our best friendship-related articles on You'll learn how to help a friend during a trying time, how to reconnect with a former friend and how friendship can boost your overall health.

It’s true! Amazing new research shows that friends boost your health.
Friends come with many health benefits, making you happier and helping to improve your overall health. You’ve always known it to be true, but medical studies more than back up these claims. Here are nine incredible health benefits that come from having best buds.

A best friend is a comfort, a rock, a lifeline. So who's going to lend a hand when a friendship sails into rough waters?
The English poet Lord Byron defined friendship as "love without his wings." But then, he was a guy. To my mind, friends may not fly as passionately close to the sun as lovers, but real friendship does have wings – cooler ones, like a fresh linen towel on your forehead against the dragons of the day. We often talk about the sanctity of marriage, but there's a sanctity in friendship, too. And, like lovers or spouses, old friends can have quarrels that tear them apart.

How to handle allegiance issues during breakups.
My friends are going through a nasty divorce, and the husband has asked me to write a letter stating my observations about his parenting skills. I think he's a great dad, but I don't want to get involved for fear I will lose the wife's friendship. What do I do?

Chances are, at some point in your life, you've made the mistake of losing touch with someone special. Who would you reconnect with?
Many of us have made the mistake of losing touch with someone who once meant a lot to us. Here, our readers share their poignant stories of friendships and relationships they'd like to rekindle. It's never too late to reconnect with a friend you miss, or to drop a note to someone who has made a difference in your life. Add a comment to let us know who you'd most like to reconnect with.
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