
50 ways to say I love you

50 ways to say I love you

Author: Canadian Living


50 ways to say I love you

Creative ways to say I love you
A prescription for love
Get a large clear jar with a lid from the dollar store. Make 100 small strips of paper and write on them reasons why you love him -- some serious, some romantic and some funny. Use a glue stick to glue each paper onto the tag of a Hershey's Kiss candy. Put all the candies in the jar. Make a label for the jar that reads "Rx: 100 reasons why I love you. Dosage: Take one a day for 100 days. For optimum effect kiss wife."
Lisa Sutherland, Yarmouth, NS

Garden of love
Fresh cut flowers are always a staple of Valentine's Day. Last year I saved some of the flowers from my wife's garden and hid them away to dry. On Valentine's I plan to make an arrangement out of these and give them to her. This way not only does she receive flowers but they will also bring back memories of her garden.
Dan Firman, via Internet

Picture perfect
When my husband was in Saudi Arabia I sent him a series of pictures of me all around Vancouver. In each picture I was holding a piece of paper with a letter on it. They came to him in no kind of alphabetical order, but when they were all laid out side by side they spelled "I Love You"
Deb Calderon, Vancouver, BC

A romantic Kinder Surprise Egg
My husband proposed to me by somehow getting some little papers inside a Kinder Egg that read, "Will You Marry Me." I think putting little papers with the words "I love you" would be just as impressive.
Deb Calderon, Vancouver, BC

A message of love
Give them a Valentine's Day card that explains S.H.M.I.L.Y. (See How Much I Love You) write it on pieces of paper without the explanation (lots of them) and hide them throughout the house, and if someone else finds it they'll never guess what it means. Or write it on the inside of a lampshade (small print) and when the light is turned on, the intended person will see it.
Matt Trottier, Scarborough, Ont.

Page 1 of 6 -- Find ideas for a special photo album, glow-in-the-dark stickers or a game of Valentine-themed hide-and-go-seek on page 2

A puzzling gift
Another time I sent him a puzzle through the mail piece by piece. When he finally assembled it all It said "I Luv you."
Joanne Miller, Montreal, Que.

Hide and seek
Last Valentine's Day, my boyfriend Mike sent me a terrific "I love you." He mailed me a very romantic Valentine card with instructions on how to find my Valentine's present. It said go to the far right of your closet and look on the top shelf behind your sweaters. I ran there like a excited school girl and found a plush white teddy bear and when you squeezed it, it blushed and gave you kisses and said "I love you." My boyfriend lives in St. Catherine's, Ont. and I live in Beardmore, Ont. We live 18 hours from each other. He must have bought it while he was down and hid it before he left. He could not spend Valentine's Day with me, but sure made up for it. We have been in a long distance relationship for over 4 years and still going strong.
Linda Rentz, via e–mail

Photo album
Create a "love" photo album with pictures of all your special times and memories.
Barbara Fersht, Toronto

Love is written in the stars
Use the scraps from Glow–in–the–Dark sticker pages (like the stars and moons for a kids bedroom) and cut out the words "I love you". Stick them over your significant other's side of the bed. Every night, when the lights go out your sentiment glows on the ceiling!
Tish Gatenby, Ottawa, Ont.

Frame your love
Take a few of your wedding pictures or early relationship pictures and put them into a new album or frame to recapture great memories.
Bobbi Anne Heaton, via email

Write it in the snow
Write it in huge letters in the snow using red food colouring (with our Canadian winters, there is usually still plenty of snow on February 14th!)
Jacqueline Bennett, Caledon East, Ont.

Become a window writer
Use Crayola window writers to write "I love you" and your names in hearts, etc. over all the windows and mirrors in the house (easily wipes away again after Valentine's Day).
Jacqueline Bennett, Caledon East, Ont.

Page 2 of 6 -- Rediscover the joys of intimacy with more romantic ideas for Valentine's Day on page 3

Things we've done in the past...
• Create a "heart attack"
"Heart attack" is a room in your house with cut out paper hearts stuck all over the walls. It's guaranteed to be a great surprise.
• Balloon Frenzy 
When my husband and I were dating money was tight. He knew that I really liked Mike & Ikes candy. So he went out and bought red balloons, ribbon and candy. He tied a little bag of candy to a ribbon and a balloon. My living room was full of balloons and I was eating candy for weeks.
Car Ambush
Another thing that my husband did that Valentine's was when I was at work, he found my car and with toothpaste he wrote on my rear window _______ loves Marcy. (His name in the blank.) It was very sweet and it let everyone know how he felt about me.
Marcy Buchanan, via email

Tell the world
Paint "I love you ______" on a huge banner across a walkway over a large highway.
Melissa Currie, Calgary, AB

Dates to remember
Buy a calendar with a romantic theme (flowers, Victoriana, etc) and go through it marking off all the significant dates in your relationship: your first date, first kiss, day you moved in together, etc. Use stickers and markers to decorate the squares or pages for these days and give it to your sweetheart -- s/he'll be delighted you remembered them all! Attach a note with a tender message, such as "All my best days are with you". After New Year's, calendars are usually 50 per cent or more off, so this is a great gift for those on a budget.
Silvia Neuteboom, Ottawa, Ont.

Love coupons
Instead of purchasing a gift for Valentine's, make up a jar with message of love and coupons of things that you can do for him that last past the one romantic day of the year.
Lisa Narancsik, via email

Soak up each other's attention
Last Valentine's Day I sent my husband a valentine that said: "I love you so much I kiss the ground you walk on and shower you with roses." I had put a trail of Hershey kisses all the way down the hall into the bathroom, where I had lit candles all around the room. I had run a warm bubble bath and hung roses all over the shower where we shared a romantic bath, and Valentine's Day together.
Tabatha Tilson, via email

Entice him at work
Phone him while he is working and make all sorts of "interesting" promises for when he gets home from work Valentine's evening.
Arlene Cherry Strathmore, AB

A romantic getaway
An overnight stay at a quaint little inn or hotel would certainly make her gleam with joy. Try taking her out on the pretense that you're going shopping. This not only will shock her (most men hate to shop) but it will show that you've gone out of your way to not only keeping it a secret, but that you're also a hopeless romantic.
Dan Firman, via email

How do I love thee?
Make a list of all the reasons you love your partner. Add everything you can think of, from their gorgeous eyes to the way they laugh to how they make you feel when you're with them. Then find a quiet place to sit down and read your list to your partner.
Carrie Grosvenor, Ancaster, ont.

King (or queen) for a day
This is what I do. Surprise him by making him King for a Day. Prepare breakfast in bed followed by a coffee and newspaper. A quick trip to the carwash while he finishes reading the paper and then it's off to do one of his favourite things -- skating on an open pond. Afterward it's a quaint stop for hot chocolate and marshmallows. A nice country drives takes us along the wine route where we stop for an afternoon wine tasting session at a local winery. Then off to his favourite restaurant for a romantic candle light dinner.
Karen Audet, Fort Erie, ont

A trail of naughty paper hearts
Leave heart shaped paper in red and pink scattered on the steps with thoughts of what you'll do to him once he reaches the end of the notes.
Marilena Vitaterna, via email

A night out alone
Take him out for a romantic dinner, and slip home before you pick the kids up from the sitters!
Marilena Vitaterna, via email

Plan ahead
This year for Christmas I booked a one–night getaway at the Ramada Inn for February 13th...Men are sometimes hard to buy for, and this way I have something special to give my Sweetie for Christmas...I will put the brochure in his stocking...and we will wake up on Valentine's Day at out "get away."
Cindy Bailey, Trenton, Ont.

Cook dinner together
Instead of going to the usual restaurant for an expensive meal, cook a simple but delicious dinner at home, and then get dressed up and take him out for some real couples dancing. Check your Yellow Pages and newspaper for clubs and dance schools. Most of them usually have something on for Valentine's Day, charge a nominal fee, and may even offer lessons for beginners. Try Latin clubs for salsa dancing or the local ballroom studio.

Dance like no one is looking
Nothing beats the romance of being swept away by the music, wrapped in your partner's arms.
Silvia Neuteboom, Ottawa, Ont.

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To and from the kids
A yarn maze
I usually buy something for my kids to say I love you, a small stuffed animal or a chocolate. This past Valentine's Day I wanted to make it a bit more fun instead of handing it to them. When they were asleep I found two different colours of yarn, one for each, I tied one end around their gift and hid it. Then I wound the yarn around chair legs, under the sofa, around table legs until my whole living room was a maze of yarn. The other end I put a paper heart with their names on it and tied it to the banister. My kids had so much fun unwinding their yarn that my youngest wanted to do it again. Well we definitely do it this Valentines Day.
Mrs. K. Tesch, Port Coquitlam, BC

Valentine crafts for kids: Presents you can wear
Buy a white t–shirt and some fabric paint and create a personalized t-shirt. Have the kids put their hands in the paint and then press them onto the shirt. Complete the project by writing "I love you mommy/daddy" or "Happy Valentine's Day to the best mom/dad ever!" Including the kids is always fun and besides, they deserve to celebrate their love too.
Robyn King, Ajax, ont.

Caring across the miles
The year my daughter was away in PEI, her first year of University on Valentine's, I sent her to bags of herseys hugs and kisses so that she could pass them out to her friends. Her friends got a great kick out of it and she said every time she gave out one she thought of me. Another year for Valentine's I sent my daughter a box of homemade cookies and a package of white chocolate hot chocolate. on Valentine's her roomies and her got together and had a pj party with their homemade goodies and hot chocolate.
Martha Crandall, County of Shefford, Quebec

Yummy treats
Indoor picnic
Have a homemade meal in a picnic in your living room with candles and little gifts for all in the family or alone as a couple.
Unknown, via email

Red and white meal
Create a red and white meal. Spaghetti (red sauce white spaghetti), French loaf (white bread), red wine, red plates/white napkins, strawberry shortcake, red and white flowers on the table, romantic music played during the meal.
Barbara Fersht, Toronto

A Titanic tribute
The year the Titanic came out on video, I researched and found the menu of the last evening meal and tried to duplicate it. I then set a romantic table with lots of candles and dressed in evening wear. My husband and I enjoyed our meal and then watched the video. We both found it very romantic.
Martha Crandall, County of Shefford, Quebec

Deliver lunch
Have a surprise hot lunch delivered to the office -- even better if you can deliver it yourself.
Heidi Collins, London, ont.

Sweet promises
Wrap up a note and chocolates in netting, place it on his pillow and in the note is a promise to be kept, eg. a romantic candlelight dinner when he gets home from work, a shoulder massage, etc.
Arlene Cherry, Strathmore, AB

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Big spender
A European tour
My husband is the president of his company and is always in demand by his staff and clients. He does not take much time out for the important things in life and, I thought I would be able to put a little zest in his days to come. I had planned a romantic trip to Europe without his knowledge. I had a courier deliver him a package containing two tickets to our destination. I was told by his secretary that he was on his way home to thank me. This was the beginning of some wonderful changes to come. Come February, he has a couple of more surprises to make him realize that work is not everything. After our trip to Rome I have arranged to go to Salzburg, Austria, to see some of the most romantic sights in the world. We will then travel to Vienna to take in some lovely Arts and entertainment.
Gil Russell, Port Perry, Ont.

An exotic getaway
How about a secret rendezvous with the one you love. Send him an invite to an exotic resort for the night from a secret admire, and be waiting for him with candles, wine etc.
Linda Rentz, via e–mail

Love on a budget
A steamy message
Just before your significant other is due to take a shower, clean the mirror in the bathroom. Run hot water to get the mirror all steamy. Draw a large heart on the mirror with the words "I love you" in the center using your finger. Let it fade. After your spouse/other gets out of the shower your magic words will appear for them on the mirror!
Tish Gatenby, Ottawa, Ont.

Stay in and send the kids out
Instead of going away for the night (weekend) have someone take your children if you have them, and plan a romantic night in the privacy of your own home. Let your imagination go wild.
Bobbi anne Heaton, via email

The Mrs. misses you
When he goes away on business, I put little notes in his socks, jean pockets, shaving kit... that say I miss him or that I can't wait for him to return.
Kerry Martin, Canadian Living associate style editor

Roses are red
This is just one way to show your wife you love her. When my wife and I met in 1963 in college, I did not have a lot of money to shower gifts on her. However, I could have a florist make up a single red rose into a corsage, which I would give to this girl with whom I wanted to share my life. There was no pattern to when she would get one, just when she least expected it; not on her birthday or any other date she might be expecting a gift.

Today, after 35 years of marriage, I still buy her corsages on a purely random pattern. She is an elementary school teacher, and I arrange to have a flower sent to the school office early some morning. She then wears it to conduct her classes. Each fall she explains to a new crop of students the significance of wearing her flower, and tells them that it just let's her know that her husband is thinking about her and loves her.
H. David Goldsmith, Chatham, Ont.

Enjoy a winter wonderland
Take your loved one tobogganing. When you get there, pull out a bottle of wine and some cheese and crackers. Sit in the snow together and enjoy!! It is so romantic when you're outside surrounded by nature. Who says you can only picnic outdoors in the summer? You can also bring a small bottle of red coloured water (use food colouring) and draw a heart in the snow around yourselves. Don't forget to take pictures too.
Robyn King, Ajax, Ont.

Just say it
One of the very best ways to say "I Love You" is to stop everything, take a deep breath, look your loved one in the eyes and JUST SAY IT -- because sometimes tomorrow never comes...
Robin Faris–Cadeau, via email

A traveling heart
My favorite was suggested by a gentleman by the name of Mr. Spilchak, who was a partner in compiling one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. He spoke at a conference I was at a few years ago and it was evident through his words that he truly adores his wife. One thing he shared with us that day has stuck with me ever since. He showed us a small fuzzy red heart, about 4" long and 3" wide, then explained that this heart has traveled with him often when he is on the road. He and his wife take turns giving it to each other, but neither knows when or how it will appear.

For example, it's popped out of the lid of his shaving cream can and has appeared in a Ziploc bag in the bottom of his wife's favorite cereal! It's their way of letting each other know that they're loved and thought of all the time. At the end of the conference, every audience member received one of these hearts. When I recently became engaged, I gave it to my fiancé and found it returned to me. It's my turn again to give it to him and I'm waiting for the right chance to surprise him. I have the feeling that this will be something we'll have fun with for years and years.
Patricia Klinger, Morinville, AB

A bite of love
When I make lunch for my boyfriend, I take one bite of his sandwich and call it a love bite. That way when he's eating his lunch, he'll be reminded of me.
Diana Pejic, via email

Flowers for him
In the past I used to go to where my husband worked and leave flowers, or put his favorite baking in the cab of his truck with a little note.
Tabatha Tilson, via email

Day planner notes
Put a notation in his day planner saying "your wife loves you today!"
Wendy McElroy, Victoria, BC

Back rub delight
Give a backrub and spell "I Love You" on his back with your fingers.
Judith Milne, Saint John, NB

Page 5 of 6 -- Find fun ways to make everyone a part of your Valentine's Day celebrations on page 6

Friends and family, too!
Share the love
The other thing I am going to do for Valentine's Day is organize a fundraising dinner. I am going to Honduras with my partner (physician) and a medical team on Feb. 27, and I am organizing a dinner at our very cool local restaurant. I believe that sharing love and contribution to our planet is a really fabulous way to celebrate love for everyone!
Deborah Ann Skakum, via email

Love those who need it most
The third thing I am going to do is drop off movie passes and a flower to a woman who I know who is going through a really tough time with her divorce. I believe it's important for people who are feeling a lack of love on Valentine's Day to get that the love is still out there for them from lots of people!
Deborah Ann Skakum, via email

Grandma's need love, too
I will select and buy my grandmother a pretty dress and try to visit her as much as possible, complete with lots of hugs. I have recently been realizing that a lot of elder people do not get much in the way of touch and they really appreciate hugs, and my Grammie loves wearing a nice dress. She is unable to go out and shop for herself like she used to -- this will hopefully make her feel special and loved!
Colleen Home, Douglas, NB

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50 ways to say I love you
