Sure, last year I took issue with "
Orange & Black Day", and I find it a bit ridiculous that it's become an issue once again this year. I love the pumpkins, the costumes, the decorations and the joy that comes from Hallowe'en. And yes, I am the mom who makes every kid that comes to my door perform a "trick" for their "treat". I figure, if I'm forking out that much money on mini candy bars and sticker treat boxes, I deserve to be entertained, or at least have a good laugh. So everyone who rings my bell has to have a joke, a song or a skit ready. Some of the kids love it and pull out all the stops. Others...well, that's an article for another day. But I have a different question for this year. It's not really a peeve, I just find it perplexing: why are there so many gravestones?

There used to be a sporadic spattering throughout our 'hood, but now it seems that every lawn is sprawled out with R.I.P. blazoned across their greenery. What's up with that? Is there a mommy memo I missed? Is this the cool thing for the ghouls this year? To be honest, I'm starting to find it kind of disturbing.

I know, I know, it's
All Hallow's Eve, but still! can't we just keep it cute and cuddly instead of crawly and creepy? I like the mysterious and spooky, but when I'm doing the school run and continually passing hands coming out of fake grave markers, it's a bit unnerving. Maybe I've just been reading too much of Maggie Stiefvater's the
Raven Boys series. Maybe I should revert to soft, cuddly, benign Edward Cullen instead...