Culture & Entertainment

Thinking about water

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Thinking about water

[caption id="attachment_1213" align="aligncenter" width="392" caption="It's time to change how we look at water"] It's time to change how we look at water[/caption] Did you know Canadians use the most amount of water per capita? That's a scary truth. Sure, most of us (hopefully) have shunned bottled water and turn the tap off when we brush our teeth, because when we see water, we think about water. But when you're shopping for a cotton shirt, do you think of beautiful lakes and oceans? How about when you eat a hamburger and wash it down with a pint of beer? I didn't think about it hard enough until I came across, an incredibly eye-opening site that will have you thinking differently about water. Some shocking numbers from • 2,700 litres is the global average amount of water it takes to create 1 cotton shirt • 2400 litres to make a hamburger • 75 litres for one pint of beer Hopefully one day soon regulations will be put in place requiring manufacturers and producers to publicize their water foot print, making it possible for consumers to choose products from companies with a low water foot print. Do you find this surprising? What have you don't to lower your water foot print?


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Culture & Entertainment

Thinking about water
