Culture & Entertainment

First Kiss: A short, feel-good movie

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

First Kiss: A short, feel-good movie

Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember where you were or the person's name? Was it sweet and innocent or wild and untamed? Was it... planned? One filmmaker took this idea of the first kiss and turned it into a sweet, short movie, appropriately titled First Kiss -- and it's, quite possibly, one of the best things I've seen on the Internet, today. Tatia Pilieva asked 20 strangers to pair up and make out with one another while she filmed them, and the results are just lovely. What starts out as awkward introductions, nervous energy and shy chuckles, quickly turns into something quite mesmerizing and beautiful to watch. I know, I know. Some of you probably have your opinions about the ratings for this post, but really think about it -- this is human connection in it's rawest form, and it's too cute to pass up! I especially adore the couple that hugs after they're done. "What's your name, again?" [HTML1]


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Culture & Entertainment

First Kiss: A short, feel-good movie
