Culture & Entertainment
Do you remember your kids' 'lasts' as well as their 'firsts'?
Culture & Entertainment
Do you remember your kids' 'lasts' as well as their 'firsts'?
Sometimes, I look back through moments in my life and I marvel at the everyday changes that have occurred over time. Little things. Insignificant things, it seems. Yet, they're really not. Like the time my youngest told me she wanted to have a shower instead of a bath. OK. No problem. I didn't give it a second thought. She's growing up. It's a part of life. I quickly turn on the shower, check the water temperature and in she goes. Life goes on. Showers are simply a way of life for her now. No more baths. No big deal. And then, one day, as I'm going through my daily life, I stop and think: "Hey, how old was she when she stopped having baths? Maybe six? Was she seven already?" And for the life of me, I can't remember. As a matter of fact, I can't remember a lot of my kids' lasts. I can't remember... the last time I rocked them to sleep, the last time I pushed them in the stroller, the last time I tied their shoes, the last time I bathed them. But, I clearly remember... the first time they slept through the night, the first time they got a haircut, the first time they rode a two-wheeler, the first time they put on skates. [caption id="attachment_1497" align="aligncenter" width="192" caption="Fishing for the first time"]
[/caption] Why, I wonder, do I remember their "firsts," but not their "lasts"? Is it because I am so tired of doing these things that I'm happy about having one less chore? Is it because I don't realize at the time that this will be the last time? Or is it because I'm too busy celebrating the firsts that naturally follow the lasts? I'd like to say that, judging from all of the firsts that are stored in my brain and on my camera, it's most definitely the last point. But if I was to be completely honest, I'd have to say that it's a combination of all three.
What about you? Do you remember your kids' lasts as well as their firsts?