Culture & Entertainment
Book giveaway winner!
Culture & Entertainment
Book giveaway winner!
Congratulations to Diana who has won a suite of fantastic reads. Here's what Diana had to say about her "to read" pile:
"I'm looking forward to reading Michael Pollan's Food Inc, I've enjoyed his other books very much. His views on the food industry and eating well are really interesting, makes you think twice about what's for dinner."
I agree Diana. I think Michael Pollan has turned into a household name in many homes. He inspired us to cut down on our meat intake substantially (well, he and the movie Food Inc. - I didn't know he was coming out with a new book, I'm looking forward to reading it), while only consuming ethically raised meat when we do eat it. Both my partner and I feel really happy about our decision.
Diana has won:
Sneaky Green Uses for Everyday Things, by Cy Tymony
The Lazy Environmentalist, by Josh Dorfman
The Global Warming Survival Kit, by Brian Clegg
Green Clean, by Linda Mason Hunter and Mikki Halpin (this is one of my faves)
True Green, by Kim McKay and Jenny Bonnin
Happy reading Diana!