Community & Current Events

Me to We: Discover your key role in the world community

Me to We: Discover your key role in the world community

Author: Canadian Living

Community & Current Events

Me to We: Discover your key role in the world community

Me to We began when the Kielburger brothers, Craig and Marc, travelled to Ecuador in their teens to build a new school for an impoverished community. Since then, they have both visited countries around the world infusing commerce and business with a much-needed charitable spirit.

The Me to We philosophy: How it all began, and what it is

The accidental activists: Craig and Marc Kielburger
This is the story of how Craig and Marc Kielburger came to be the activists they are today.

The Me to We philosophy
Recognize the important role you play in the world community, with inspiration from the following excerpt from Me to We: Turning Self-Help On Its Head.

Me to We: A Survivor's story
Find out how a reality television contestant found a sense of purpose abroad in the following book excerpt from Me to We: Turning Self-Help On Its Head.

Living Me to We
What it means to live the Me to We way

The Canadian Living Me to We Award winners and honourable mentions
Me to We award winners
Read about five Canadians whose commitment and dedication at the grassroots level are an inspiration to us all.

Canadian Living Me to We Award winners and honourable mentions
Meet five inspirational Canadians who take the top prizes, including a $4,000 charitable donation, in our revolutionary awards program.

Canadian Living 2008 Me to We Award winners and honourable mentions
Meet five inspirational Canadians who take the top prizes, including a $5,000 charitable donation, in our revolutionary awards program.

Canadian Living 2009 Me to We Award winners and honourable mentions
Meet five inspirational Canadians who take the top prizes, including a $5,000 charitable donation, in our revolutionary awards program.

Canadian Living 2010 Me to We Award winners and honourable mentions
Changing the world we live in isn't as difficult as you may think Meet six Canadians who will show you how.

Page 1 of 2 – Want to help nurture social awareness in your family? Find Craig and Marc's tips for parents on page 2.
Me to We began when the Kielburger brothers, Craig and Marc, travelled to Ecuador in their teens to build a new school for an impoverished community. Since then, they have both visited countries around the world infusing commerce and business with a much-needed charitable spirit.

Advice for parents: How to raise a socially-conscious child
How to discuss the news with your kids
How to make reading the newspaper a family ritual that helps your kids understand the world around them.

How to establish rites of passage for your child
Help your child develop a sense of identity by teaching them skills and responsibility.

How strong communities make for great schools
Why the best schools anywhere in the world are those in which parents and community members play an active role.

How freezies made a difference
Thanks to an organization called Free the Children, one group of Canadian kids learned that they can change the world – one school at a time.

How to handle sibling rivalry: A guide for parents
Brothers Craig and Marc Kielburger, founders of Free The Children, impart tips for parents and share how they have learned to work as a team.

How to help your children find mentors
Craig and Marc Kielburger, co-founders of Free The Children, share their tips for how you can help your children find mentors.

Make birthday wishes come true by teaching the values of sharing and gratitude
Learn how to dial down the extravagant parties and focus on developing your child.

How to plan a family holiday your teens will enjoy
Help your teens and tweens engage in the world around them with these tips.

Learn how having a pet can help children develop compassion and empathy
A family pet can help children develop a more caring attitude towards animals and people.

How to raise your kids to be independent
Allowing your children to discover their independence makes for healthy and happy kids.

How to bring back family night
Learn how to make family night a priority for you and your children.

Discover how you can raise your kids to change the world
Learn how to nurture passion and compassion in your kids.

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Community & Current Events

Me to We: Discover your key role in the world community
