DIY & Crafts

Winner and Weekly Giveaway #15

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Winner and Weekly Giveaway #15

Hello friends, Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. I was in Niagara for three days and it was great to get out of the city for a little while. The highlight: lunch with my mum at Olson Foods at Ravine. Yum! On to the business at hand...the winner of The Sewing Book by Alison Smith. Drumroll please: picture-21And our winner is: picture-3Congratulations, Carolyn! Keep an eye on your inbox for an email from me, coming soon. And now for giveaway #15: a copy of Beautiful Handstitched Jewelry: 35 unique projects inspired by Tokyo style by Emi Iwakiri. picture-11There are some really interesting projects in here, perfect for someone who's looking for a bit of crafting adventure! Hair ornaments, bracelets, necklaces, even rings, are all represented, along with a variety of jewelry-making techniques. This might be just the book to help you add a bit of pizzazz to your fall wardrobe. Over the past few weeks I've noticed a bunch of comments coming in after Friday at 5, and it pains me to have to leave you out of the contest, so as of today, I'm changing the rules. For your chance to win, leave a comment on this post by Sunday, August 16 at 11:59 p.m. This week, I'm curious to know if there's anything you'd like to read more of here on Make+Do. What would  you like to see? Let me know! As usual, I'll draw for the winner next Monday morning. Have a great week!


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DIY & Crafts

Winner and Weekly Giveaway #15
