DIY & Crafts

Weekly Giveaway #23

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Weekly Giveaway #23

Hi again, Phew, it's just a whirlwind around here, so I'm going to have to keep it short today. I've got two great prizes again this week: for locals, one last chance at a pair of tickets and class passes to the Creativ Festival, and for everyone else, a chance to win a copy of " Pet Projects: The Animal Knits Bible." creative-fest-2You've read the Creativ Festival spiel here before; check in Tuesday or Wednesday for more information about activities for the scrapbookers among you. The more I learn about it, the more I think I'd better leave my wallet at home! picture-4 If you have a pet, want a pet, or are looking for a way to worm your way into the heart of someone with a pet, then Pet Projects: The Animal Knits Bible is the book for you. They've got knitting projects that range from hamster houses to cat nap maps (try saying that one three times fast) to collars and sweaters for your precious pooch. This is an office of dog lovers and we've spent many a coffee time oohing and aahing these projects. (I think my favourite is the balaclava – basically a hat with ear muffs – for dogs who are afraid of fireworks!) You know the deal: For your chance to win, leave a comment on this post telling me which prize you'd likeEntries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, October 11; a winner will be posted on Tuesday, October 13. (I hope that the anticipation doesn't get in the way of eating that second slice of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving!)


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DIY & Crafts

Weekly Giveaway #23
