DIY & Crafts

The paper chain: reading on crafting

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

The paper chain: reading on crafting

Hi friends, Shh, don't tell anyone, but when I'm taking my mid-morning tea break I often click over to the New York Times online to peruse their pages. I found a few interesting articles this morning and as I linked from one to the next I was reminded of this paper chain I made last weekend. paper-chain If you're a serious crafter, you might have entertained thoughts of turning some of that handiwork into hard cash by opening a store on Etsy. In "That Hobby Looks Like a Lot of Work," the Times explores the fantasy of quitting one's day job to make a living selling crafts, and talks to people for whom it's working – and some for whom it's not. (You might also be interested in Etsy's "Quit Your Day Job"  series on their blog, The Storque.) After reading that article, I found this, "Altered by a Sewing Machine," in which the author describes learning to use her brand-new sewing machine. We've all been there, I think, and you might get a laugh from her journey, even if you're like me and can only dream about owning a machine that fancy and high-functioning! Thinking about simple sewing projects that don't require much patience reminded me of this beautiful Origami Wrap Sweater pattern, available as a free download from Martha at UNJournal. It's a stunner, and with only three seams to sew,  you could whip one up as a last-minute gift on Christmas Eve. That's all for today, folks. Have a good one.


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DIY & Crafts

The paper chain: reading on crafting
