DIY & Crafts
"Sew Liberated" Winner
DIY & Crafts
"Sew Liberated" Winner
Hi friends, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Although I took advantage of the mild weather to take a break from mitten-knitting, my weekend did have some crafty highlights, including watching
Fantastic Mr. Fox, buying this
quilt pattern and seeing my
February Lady Sweater progress to the point where it's actually starting to look like a sweater. (Phew! I was getting worried...) Last week's double giveaway meant that my inbox was chockablock full of comments all week, and I enjoyed reading them all. Thanks for so many good book, movie, website and general cheer-up recommendations! They'll keep me busy for a while, for sure.
This week's lucky winner will receive a copy of
Sew Liberated by sewing pattern–designer and blogger
Meg McElwee (from
Interweave Press). And that lucky winner is....
...Number 62...
W Ball! Congratulations, I'll be in touch shortly with prize details. I always wish I had a prize for each of you. It's not much, but today, at least, I brought you flowers. Hope they put a bit of spring in your step!
(See you soon with details of Giveaway #37.)