DIY & Crafts

Quilting Bee Catch-Up

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Quilting Bee Catch-Up

Hi friends, Now that my whirlwind weeks of world-travelling are behind me, last weekend I finally had a chance to sit down at the sewing machine and get some patchwork done. I was four months behind (ack!), so some serious hard work was in order. I got warmed up with this simple wonky log cabin quarter block. It involved a fair bit of up-and-down between the sewing machine and the ironing board, but it was pretty simple. Reviewing that link makes me realize I could have made this a lot wonkier. log-cabin Next up, a take on the old standby, the four-patch. All I had to do was make an 8.5" finished square, so I had a lot of freedom, but I ended up doing this simple block because it seemed like it would fit with the other squares I've seen in the Flickr group. four-square Finally, the flying geese colourwheel block. I'd like to tell you that there's a rational reason that I'd been putting this one off since June (I know!), but really, I was just intimidated by the foundation paper piecing. geeses-pieces And with good reason – doing one quarter of the block took me the better part of Sunday (and resulted in lots of hair-tearing and seam-ripping). This is one technique that I haven't quite wrapped my head around...but I did end up with a finished block in the end (and not one single scrap of fabric left over). Voilà. Front: cimg0011 Back: cimg0012 (Yiiiikes.) I've got one left (maybe tonight?) to finish and I'd better hop to it – my month is October, and I've yet to choose fabric and a block pattern. I need another weekend at craft camp already!


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DIY & Crafts

Quilting Bee Catch-Up
