DIY & Crafts

My Crafty Wishlist

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

My Crafty Wishlist

Hi all, I'm enjoying reading your comments about the items on your crafty Christmas wish lists! I thought I'd pop in and share my two cents. (Of course, this is a fantasy list. But hey, it never hurts to wish, right?) picture-22
  • A subscription to Stitch magazine. I love it, but it's hard to find in stores up here.
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  • A Cricket Loom (or similar-sized rigid-heddle loom). Because total domination of fibre arts is part of everyone's Christmas wish list, isn't it?
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  • And finally, a gift certificate for a class at The Workroom. I love learning from books, but there's something to be said for having a teacher by your side!
Have a good night, friends!


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DIY & Crafts

My Crafty Wishlist
