DIY & Crafts
Love Letters: Ideas for Valentine's Cards
DIY & Crafts
Love Letters: Ideas for Valentine's Cards
Hi friends, Do you remember giving and getting Valentine's Cards as a schoolkid? Writing the names on seemed to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r, but that was always eclipsed by the anticipation of upending my little red "mailbox" and shaking out the cards from all the other kids. That's what I was thinking about when I put together this
Valentine's Day card holder for our February issue. (Apparently, I was also thinking "GLITTER!!!" But that's another story.)
The cards that you see peeking out of the top there are
free downloadable valentines from the incomparable Emily
(Inside a Black Apple). Pop over, take a look, download them...they're easy, and lovely, and infinity-plus-one times nicer than your typical dollar-store valentines. (In my opinion, anyway. Your six-year-old might have a different idea!) Some other great ideas for valentines:
- If you're like me and prone to forgetting about things like Valentine's Day until the night before (or, gulp, morning of), you might want to check out this list of 30 (!) printable valentines from The Long Thread. Just make sure you have an extra printer cartridge on hand.
- If you start now, you'll have time to make this fabric card and envelope set (tutorial at Sew, Mama, Sew, by Jennifer).
- I thought these matchbook valentines from Inchmark were super. I love teeny-tiny boxes and holiday-coloured Smarties: this is a craft-match made in heaven.
- Amy at Angry Chicken has some great Valentine's-themed paper cuts (and other ideas) for you to check out.
- And for some slightly more unorthodox (but still really lovely) ideas, read the Poppytalk series of "I Made This for You" posts by Stephen and Shauna of Something's Hiding in Here. (Future husband, if you're out there, take note: this is awesome. As are these. Just sayin'.)