DIY & Crafts
Inspiration Station: Paper Cutting/Scherenschnitte
DIY & Crafts
Inspiration Station: Paper Cutting/Scherenschnitte
Hi there, I don't know if you have this problem, but it seems that whenever I decide to buckle down and concentrate on just one project, a whole new crafty obsession pops into view.
Yesterday I committed to completing my
February Lady Sweater by February 1st; today, all I want to do is throw down the knitting needles and pick up an X-Acto knife so that I can experiment with paper cutting (also known by its German name,
It all started with this calendar by
Nikki McClure, which I bought myself as a New Year's present. (I believe there's no such thing as too many calendars!) I was amazed when I realized that the illustrations were paper cuts, not pen-and-ink drawings.
The calendar made me think of this
video (a scene from which is shown above) for the song
"I Don't Know," by
Lisa Hannigan – featuring a room full of paper cuts created by artist
Maeve Clancey.
(I would love to decorate a room this way. Such fun!)
Then, of course, there's
Rob Ryan (that's the cover of
his book, above), whose paper cuts grace book and magazine covers, storefronts, fancy packing tape (to name a few) and are also
available for purchase. (I should start saving my pennies.) You can even find them
printed on fabric! If you'd like to learn more about paper cutting online, check out the
Scherenschnitte blog, which even provides templates and how-tos. Amy Karol of
Angry Chicken is a paper cutting
enthusiast, too (check out the paper cut header her blog's currently sporting) and you can buy several of her paper cutting designs (see
Email Order #8 and
Email Order #10, which arrive as PDFs for you to print out and then have fun with!). If you're intrigued by those and want to add to your craft library, here are a few titles to consider:
Oh, if only I had multiple pairs of hands...