DIY & Crafts

Have a Heart: Handmade Valentine's Day Gifts

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Have a Heart: Handmade Valentine's Day Gifts

Hi again, and happy Friday! I've been enjoying researching these Valentine's Day posts, and I'm here today with a roundup of heart-shaped gift ideas that you could make. I tried to choose projects that were small but sweet so that they'd be do-able in time for Sunday, even if you have more than one sweetheart! [caption id="attachment_1398" align="aligncenter" width="226" caption="Photo from"] Photo from[/caption] Finally, these two gifts aren't heart-shaped, but they are great. Thanks to my sister for pointing me to two great ways of telling someone exactly why you love them: in a box or in book form. Fabulous! I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day (or at least get to enjoy some half-priced chocolate shopping on Monday!). Psst – Don't forget that you've got until 11:59 p.m. Monday night to enter this week's giveaway!


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DIY & Crafts

Have a Heart: Handmade Valentine's Day Gifts
