DIY & Crafts

DIY dyed Easter eggs with a twist

DIY dyed Easter eggs with a twist

Image: Ryan Brook

DIY & Crafts

DIY dyed Easter eggs with a twist

This Easter craft is a twist on classic Easter egg dying. Ask your kids to find small leaves in order to make neat leaf-shaped patterns on your Easter eggs.

For a larger picture of our DIY Easter eggs, click here.


Hardboiled eggs

  • Small leaves
  • Old panty hose
  • Elastic bands
  • Food colouring
  • 1 cup of water


Step 1: Hold your leaf on the side of your egg in the position you want.

Step 2: Stretch a section of the panty hose over the egg while holding the leaf in place, and secure tightly with the elastic.

Step 3: In a cup, mix six or seven drops of food colouring with water and then gently place the egg in the liquid.

Step 4: After a few minutes, remove the egg and take off the panty hose and leaf to reveal the design.

Step 5: Allow dyed egg time to dry.



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DIY & Crafts

DIY dyed Easter eggs with a twist
