DIY & Crafts
Bits and Pieces
DIY & Crafts
Bits and Pieces
Hi folks, [caption id="attachment_424" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Two down, 28 to go..."]
[/caption] Since I don't think it's fair to assume that you're all caught up in log-cabin fever like I am, here are a few bits and pieces I thought you might be interested in...
- Has anyone tried the new Canadian sewing supply website It looks like it might be a boon for people who live far from a big city and have difficulty finding specialty sewing supplies.
- I was excited to see fat quarters from local textile studio Repeat the last time I went fabric shopping. I like the power lines.
- Remember Operation Sock Monkey? Organizer Lindsey has just added a how-to animation on her website – too cute! Check it out.