DIY & Crafts

Bits and Pieces

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Bits and Pieces

Hi folks, [caption id="attachment_424" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Two down, 28 to go..."] Two down, 28 to go...[/caption] Since I don't think it's fair to assume that you're all caught up in log-cabin fever like I am, here are a few bits and pieces I thought you might be interested in...
  • Has anyone tried the new Canadian sewing supply website It looks like it might be a boon for people who live far from a big city and have difficulty finding specialty sewing supplies.
  • I was excited to see fat quarters from local textile studio Repeat the last time I went fabric shopping. I like the power lines.
  • Remember Operation Sock Monkey? Organizer Lindsey has just added a how-to animation on her website – too cute! Check it out.
Don't forget there's still time to enter this week's giveaway for the pair of passes and classes to the Creativ Festival. I've only had 10 entries so far, so your odds of winning are good...this would be a great sisters' day, or a fun thing for a mom-and-daughter to do. Speaking of contests, I'm still looking for Dian Anderson, winner of a copy of The Knitted Odd-Bod Bunch. Are you out there, Dian? That's all for today. Have a good Wednesday!


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DIY & Crafts

Bits and Pieces
