DIY & Crafts
A Winner!
DIY & Crafts
A Winner!
Hi there, Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! I feel like I got a lot more movie watching than knitting done, but I think I did make a dent in my list (not to mention my fingertips!). I must admit that I'm looking forward to Boxing Day, when I am planning to put the knitting needles away for a little while and (may wonders never cease) dust off my sewing machine. Which brings me to this week's giveaway – that copy of
Pretty Little Patchwork.
As usual, I really enjoyed reading
your comments as they came in – so many good suggestions! In the end I went with a selection of Hugh Grant movies –
About a Boy,
Love Actually and
Notting Hill... then four episodes of
Gilmore Girls (I forgot how good that show was!). But I'll be taking the list home with me for a bit of vacation viewing, too. I left the decision making to the random integer generator again...
And congratulations go to comment #80.
Congratulations, Karen! I'll be in touch shortly. And of course, this week's contest will be coming up in a moment. Stay tuned...