DIY & Crafts

A "warped" idea

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

A "warped" idea

Hi friends, I've written before about how much I'd like to own a small loom (expense and lack of storage space notwithstanding!). Apparently the Cricket loom from Schacht Spindle is a good model for a beginner. picture-212Sadly, even at its relatively small size (11" x 18" x 6") it's a bit big for my apartment (I'd have to keep it in my oven, or maybe suspended from the ceiling!) and so I've put aside my weaving wishes for now. Or so I thought. Last night I discovered what might be the perfect solution. picture-110 This paper loom from The Curiosity Shoppe looks like it might be the ticket. The kit comes with a die-cut paper loom and shuttle, plus instructions; you have to supply the sticks and string yourself. Obviously, it's not for complex projects, but it would be a neat, low-cost way to learn. Fun, huh? That's all for now. Have a great day.


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DIY & Crafts

A "warped" idea
