
Get radiant skin with these nutrition tips

Get radiant skin with these nutrition tips

Author: Canadian Living


Get radiant skin with these nutrition tips

Take five for your diet, naturally. According to Dr. Joey Shulman, author of The Natural Makeover Diet (Wiley, 2005), there are five things you can do to optimize your digestion and make your skin look radiant from the inside out.

1. Add flaxseeds to your diet. They work like a vacuum cleaner to rid your body of toxic material. Be sure to choose ground or milled flaxseeds because they are the only ones that can be absorbed.

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2. Take your omega-3 supplements. Make sure they are coated so they can reach the small intestine without being eaten by your stomach acid. Omega-3 fats moisturize your body from the inside out, helping to keep your skin supple and glowing.

3. Eat the recommended five to 10 servings of colourful fruits and veggies daily. The phytonutrients will minimize the effects of free radical damage.

4. You need heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, such as avocado, extra-virgin olive oil or nuts and seeds, but you don't need a lot. Think of sprinkling them on your meals.

5. Take portable protein with you, such as yogurt with acidophilus, hard-cooked eggs or low-fat cottage cheese, so you don't find yourself ordering a muffin at the mall.

Find more good-for-you eating strategies here!


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Get radiant skin with these nutrition tips


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