
6-Week Boot Camp Menu: Day 17

6-Week Boot Camp Menu: Day 17

Smoky Oyster Chowder
Photography by Michael Alberstat
Image by: Smoky Oyster Chowder<br />Photography by Michael Alberstat Author: Canadian Living


6-Week Boot Camp Menu: Day 17

DAY 17
Overnight Strata Cups (2 servings) 230 10 18 12
1 cup orange juice 117 27 2 0
Easy Layered Lunch Salad 400 41 10 23
Somky Oyster Chowder 249 1 41 8
203 bafuette slice (2 oz.) 130 28 4 0
1 cup pineapple 82 22 1 0
50 pistachios 160 8 6 13
1,446 175 57 61
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6-Week Boot Camp Menu: Day 17
