4 reasons why I love yoga

4 reasons why I love yoga
I LOVE yoga. It took me some time to get properly acquainted with my new-found love. But here I am. Smitten. [caption id="attachment_1478" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Dear Yoga: I love you. Yours truly, Daniela."]
4 reasons why I love yoga
1. It's a loner activity OK, you may be thinking that yoga is far from a loner activity when it usually takes place in a room full of people getting their yoga on. But I love that you don't have to talk to a soul. It's an hour and a half of quiet time. Who can get that much peace and quiet anywhere else? It's glorious.
2. Shavasana Most people end their practice in
shavasana - also known as corpse pose. It is one of the most relaxing poses, and it's a great way to de-stress and clear your mind. It's the perfect way to start or end the day.
3. It makes me stretchy If you can't touch your toes, it may be time to take up yoga. Since I've started to go a couple of times a week my flexibility has improved so much. I love realizing I can finally get into a pose after weeks of slowly working up to it. What a great feeling.
4. I'm finally getting some muscle Those who know me would laugh if I say I've put on muscle (no matter how hard I try I still look scrawny). But through yoga I've been developing some long, lean muscles. It's true! I notice when I flex my arms while looking in the mirror. (Don't judge! Don't you flex in the mirror?)
Do you yoga? (If you don't practice yoga but have always wanted to try it out,
here's a great yoga video to get you started.)
