Chestnut Cream Pavlova Chestnut Cream Pavlova

Chestnut Cream Pavlova Image Image by: Chestnut Cream Pavlova Image Author: Canadian Living

This delicate meringue-based treat is a twist on the famous French Mont Blanc dessert. For best results, assemble it just before serving. Look for canned chestnut pur?e in the baking section of the grocery store.

  • Portion size 10 servings
  • Credits : Canadian Living Magazine: December 2012


Chocolate Curls:


Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Using 8-inch (20 cm) round cake pan as guide, mark circle on back of paper. Turn paper over.

In food processor, grind sugar until crystals are finer, about 30 seconds. In bowl, beat egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks form; beat in sugar, 2 tbsp at a time, until stiff glossy peaks form. Beat in cornstarch, vinegar and vanilla. Using piping bag fitted with 3/4-inch (2 cm) plain tip, pipe half of the meringue in concentric circles to cover circle on paper. Pipe remaining meringue in rounds around edge until about 1-3/4 inches (4.5 cm) high.

Bake in 275?F (140?C) oven just until beginning to colour, about 1 hour. Turn off heat; open door slightly and let cool completely in oven.

Chocolate Curls: Meanwhile, in bowl over saucepan of hot (not boiling) water, melt chocolate, stirring occasionally. Divide between 2 baking sheets; spread to 1/8-inch (3 mm) thickness. Refrigerate until firm, about 15 minutes.

Working with 1 baking sheet at a time, let stand on damp towel until softened slightly, about 3 minutes. Holding sheet in 1 hand and teaspoon at 90-degree angle in other, scrape chocolate toward you into small curls, refrigerating pan to refirm chocolate as necessary. With toothpick, arrange curls in single layer on waxed paper–lined tray; refrigerate. (Make-ahead: Cover loosely with plastic wrap; refrigerate for up to 24 hours.)

Topping: In bowl, whip chestnut pur?e with 1 tbsp water. In separate bowl, whip cream with sugar; whip half into pur?e until combined. Spoon chestnut mixture onto meringue. Top with remaining whipped cream and chocolate curls.

Nutritional facts Per each of 10 servings: about

  • Fibre 3 g
  • Sodium 50 mg
  • Sugars 44 g
  • Protein 5 g
  • Calories 463.0
  • Total fat 25 g
  • Potassium 285 mg
  • Cholesterol 47 mg
  • Total carbohydrate 56 g


  • Iron 25.0
  • Calcium 4.0
  • Vitamin A 14.0
  • Vitamin C 2.0
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Baking & Desserts

Chestnut Cream Pavlova
